
Sweden: Union reorganisation in focus at SAC congress

Anonyme, Vendredi, Septembre 27, 2002 - 10:03


After a week the 50 delegates could end the SAC congress last Saturday. Many delegates were positively surprised by the constructive air, where the recent conflicts around the resigning Working Committee seemed forgotten and buried. Instead the 27th congress of the syndicalists was stamped by a recurring keyword, spelled “union reorganisation

This article was published in issue 39/02 of Arbetaren, weekly paper published by SAC - the Syndicalists since 1922.

There seemed to be a consensus around the project of union reorganisation, even though perhaps the younger generation was the more energetic part, and the concept was present in most discussions, above around the union programme which was passed with some changes.

- The programme will be the basis of at least 15 different fliers and will stimulate discussions in syndicates, sections and LS [Local Coorganisations], Arwid Lund answered the delegates who questioned its value.

The programme starts with analysing the capitalism of today, continues with raising down-to-earth demands and is finishes with sketching strategies for the SAC. During the lively discussion of it around Thursday noon a total of 18 men and 6 women did statements and closer to 80 per cent of the contributions were made by men.

The delegate for Umeå LS, Hans-Ove Nordmark, called the programme “backwards, vague and wimpy

Homepage of SAC the Syndicalists

Dossier G20
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