
Letter from Palestine

vieuxcmaq, Mardi, Janvier 29, 2002 - 12:00

MuSafer Bil7doud (

Recal by eye witnesses to repeated and contineous violation of basic human rights

Dear Friends ,

I am sending you a snap shot of our daily agony under the savage
occupation... this is an incident that happened yesterday.....

Yesterday evening the Israelis killed in cold blood a 29 year old man at a
check point near Ramallah, the man who is from my village ( Rantis )
was going back home and like many other Palestinians, he was waiting the
permission from the soldiers to pass, instead they were practicing all kind
of humiliation over the people on the check point ( slapping , cursing , making fun)
when one of the soldiers slapped his face for no reason the man protested
strongly so the soldiers took him to a near by tent , on the way another soldier
slapped him again, he could not hold it and he slapped him back , so they shot him on his
thigh , the people around started to scream and protest and they called an
ambulance, the soldiers dragged him to the tent , left him bleeding , prevented any
body including the Palestinian ambulance to get near for long enough time
to let him die . It is not the most ugly neither a strange practice
committed by the Israelis, but it happened that it was repeated to me
today by many eye witnesses including the nurse at my
clinic, I really find no explanation for what these people are doing to us!
They believe we are less human than they are!
however, even animals deserve better treatment ! We have nothing left
to lose except our dignity and strong will....



Dossier G20
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