
Help make this dream a reality...

vieuxcmaq, Dimanche, Janvier 20, 2002 - 12:00

Wakan Shunka (

With the participation of a mere 6,000 people, we can protect hundreds of acres of land, worldwide, per year, have places to live outside of the cities, and give back to the indigenous people of this Earth...all for just $10 per person, too!:)

Hey! I have an idea...
If we can create a pool of just 6,000 people, who would be willing to part with just $10 of their hard-earned cash, then we could create hundreds of acres of land trusts, and entrust the land back to the indigenous people of this Earth. The land would be entrusted to the Benaly family, the Harney family, the Peltier family, the Looking Horse family, and back to the indigenous people of the area in which the land is bought.
This will keep the land from falling into the hands of the B.I.A. or corrupt councils who might try to develop it or capitalize off of the land in some way.
The land would be fully protected against logging, mining, and commercial development, and would be used as ceremonial grounds, organic farming grounds, and non-violence/forest defense training grounds.
Just imagine...there are 17,000 people here in Arcata, CA, and millions of people in California and the U.S. alone...if we can just get a pool of 6,000 people who would be willing to send $10, say, four times a year, then we could start buying up hundreds of acres to preserve and protect:)
Just treat this like a chain letter, send $10 and your e-mail address to me, and I will send you a copy of the land trust document and some pictures, as soon as we get the first plot of land, and we can truly subvert the shitstem, create places for us to live outside of the cities, and give something back to the indigenous people of this land.
We already have $4110 towards the first plot of land, so let's keep on going!
Please meditate a while on this vision...
P.S. A little bit about myself, in case you're wondering...I have been a forest activist for the past three years in Humboldt County, California, witnessed the murder of activist David "Gypsy" Chain, was a member of Julia "Butterfly" Hill's Luna ground support team, helped shut down the WTO meeting in '99, have been sweating and doing ceremonies with the Native American Church for the past three years, attended the IMF/World Bank protest in 2000, participated in the Hole in the Headwaters and the Mattole Free State campaigns, and am currently involved in fighting Maxxam's SLAPP suit against forest defenders, while working on all kinds of social, environmental, and peace, that's me, and I hope that 6,000 of you can trust a guy with a record like that:)
You can send donations to:
Shunka(checks and money orders to "Jason Wilson")
c/o North Coast Earth First!
P.O. Box 28
Arcata, CA 95518
(707)269-9731 (pager)

We can make this work!

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