
OCAP Recap: Report on the January 17th assembly

vieuxcmaq, Vendredi, Janvier 18, 2002 - 12:00

Stefan . (

A summary of the CLAC organized event OCAP Recap at 1710 Beaudry on January 17th.

OCAP Recap:
Report on the January 17th assembly
by Stefan:

The fall campaign of Economic Disruption lead by the Ontario Common Front throughout Ontario inspired many activists both here in Quebec and across the Provincial border. The Common Front acts with vigilance & dedication to fighting the overwhelming social realities of homelessness, poverty, the mistreatment of immigrants & refugees and the overall display of capitalist inhumanity brought about by the Torrie government of Ontario.

Realities like the "Safe Streets Act" passed in 1999 which criminalizes poverty and legislates discrimination against the poor. The "Safe Streets Act" in the Ottawa Coalition Against the Torries terms "has provided the legal apparatus to harass, prosecute and incarcerate people who are visibly poor, further marginalizing and disenfranchising those who are in the most need for support". Torrie legislation which has lead way to the privatization of essential services such as education, health care and water. These pieces of legislature has lead to the digression of the quality of life for people in Ontario. The Ontario Common Front vocalized public dissent against these realities in the streets this fall through Economic Disruption .

This Province wide mobilization against the Torrie government was solidified at a Province wide call out made by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty to meet in Toronto on June 15th of 2001. This first meeting brought together many different organizations including unions, student groups and First Nations from throughout Ontario and Quebec. This assembly was a launching point for the cross Province links & connections which now exist through the preparations for the fall campaign of Economic Disruption.

Inspired by recent mobilizations in Quebec City against the FTAA, in Seattle against the WTO and the many brutal realities which people from Ontario are facing as a result of the economic policies of the Torrie government, activists throughout Ontario banned together to act and voice their dissent with the hope of disrupting "business as usual".

Activists were successful. October 16th brought together activists from throughout Ontario and Quebec to participate in a mass street action which shut down the financial district of Toronto to protest the Tories on the day after Premier Mike Harris announced his resignation. October 16th was a focus point for activists in Montreal and Quebec City as many worked together to mobilize for a solid presence at the October 16th demonstration. As one activist from Guelph commented the presence of Montreal and Quebec City activists at the October 16th demonstration brought inspiration to many activists in Ontario. Solidifying a feeling of solidarity cross Provincial borders and solidifying the idea that "your struggle is our struggle".

October 16th and the fall campaign of Economic Disruption built many solid ties across the border of Ontario & Quebec. Building activist links which will remain far into the future. These relationships are now being expanded upon, as they were for the mobilization against the G-20 in Ottawa in November and as they will be at the upcoming Ontario Common Front meetings in Belleville February 9th & 10th.

Importantly this recent assembly "OCAP Recap" highlighted again the links and ties which are being maintaining to build a solid culture of resistance against both local & global injustices of capitalism. Activists in Montreal crowded into an east end community center today to reaffirm that these ties will remain and will become an even stronger force against the neo-liberal economics of politicians like Mike Harris.

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