
Save the Norwegian wolves

vieuxcmaq, Lundi, Décembre 17, 2001 - 12:00

Ener Borg (

Save the wolves in Norway

A wild wolf seeking the company of other wolves and a place to establish a habitat has been in the area of Langedrag nature park for a couple of weeks now. The park has a tame wolf pack and a wolf couple behind a fence. These wolves attract the wild wolf where she stands outside the fence and waves her tail wanting to get in.
The park is totally open apart from fences around the animals constituting the park and the owners have rabbits running freely around the park area. With the options of easy meals and the fact that she has found other wolves in the area has caused our wolf to stay regardless of efforts from government rangers to scare her off.The responsible directorate has stated that they can not guarantee that the wolf will not be shot and the mayor of the county is pressing politically to shoot the wolf. Regardless the fact that the leader of the government rangers, Leonard Mikalsen has officially stated that the wolf does not represent any danger for humans. Still, the mayor is making statements that he cannot guarantee the safety of the county's population and is pressing hard for shooting the wolf. He is creating fear within the county and JointAction for wolves consider such attitudes as bad publicity for his county and bad publicity for our country.We need help to save this wolf where the wolf population in Scandinavia is still so small and each individual is valuable to ensure the future of the population. Please sign this protest where:
All who provide their name upon this protest are against any attempt to kill the wolf at Tunhovd and Langedrag!
We underline that the attitude shown in this case provides bad publicity for Norway and Norwegian counties. The signatures will be gathered on a diskette in addition to printouts where both the hardcopy and softcopy will be delivered to the Directorate and the mayor of Nore and Uvdal.

Help us save a wolf at Langedrag nature park.
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Dossier G20
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