

vieuxcmaq, Lundi, Décembre 17, 2001 - 12:00

the WEF Counter-Summit Organizing Collective (

A Call for a National Student Mobilization Against the WEF

From Thursday, January 31st to Sunday, February 3rd 2002 at Columbia University in New York City


What is the WEF?

Every year, 1,000 top business leaders, come together to shape the global agenda, while political elites and media luminaries gaze on admiringly. The World Economic Forum (WEF) will hold its annual meeting at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City from January 31st to February 4th 2002. By its own description, the WEF is a special club of elite business leaders, whose annual meeting is the world’s global business summit.

What is the WEF’s agenda?

At the New York WEF summit, the world’s richest CEOs will collaborate with the world’s most powerful politicians to set the global economic agenda. Meanwhile, in the halls of Congress, the world’s most powerful politicians are collaborating with the world’s richest CEOs to expand the “war on terrorism.

Students for Global Justice
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Dossier G20
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