

vieuxcmaq, Mercredi, Novembre 7, 2001 - 12:00

coalition n9 (

Resistance is fertile! ... Friday at 4:00pm/Cabot Square


Date: Friday, November 9

Place: Cabot Square (Atwater Metro, facing the old Forum)

Time: 4:00pm

The WTO has decided to hold its next ministerial (Nov.9-13, 2001) in the tiny desert monarchy of Qatar, a country where democratic freedoms are severely limited. Critics have condemned this retreat beyond the range of protesters as yet another instance of the WTO's inability to come to terms with the ideas of democracy and meaningful dialogue.

On Friday, November 9th (N9), in solidarity with a callout launched by the International Federation of Free Trade Unions (IFFTU), the Common Front Against the WTO (CFWTO), and People's Global Action (PGA), anti-WTO protests will take place simultaneously in Montreal and around the world.

The Manifestive will begin at Cabot Square (located next to Atwater metro, facing the old Forum) at 4:00 pm, and then proceed to Phillip's Square, where an activist info fair will be in full swing (latecomers who can't make it to the march are invited to show up at Phillip's Square from 5:30 onwards). Conceived as a parade of festive resistance, the march will be punctuated with theatre presentations, anti-WTO sing-alongs, and more. At Phillip's Square, groups will be providing anti-WTO, alternative solution, pro-peace, pre-Ottawa (N17) information, etc.

Resistance is fertile! ... Friday at 4:00pm

For more info and links, visit:


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