
Oct 27 - Information/Coordination session for 'MANIFESTIVE N9'

vieuxcmaq, Mardi, Octobre 23, 2001 - 11:00

Montreal N9 Coalition (

N9 is fast approaching... Saturday, October 27th, at 1710 Beaudry, 13h30, the Montreal N9 Coalition invites people to participate in preparations for the planned 'MANIFESTIVE'.

Prepare for N9 (global day of action against the WTO)
date: 27 octobre
place: 1710 Beaudry
time: 13:30

In response to the call for an international day of action on November 9th by the Confederation of International Trade Unions (CIFTU), the Common Front Against the WTO (CFWTO), and People's Global Action (PGA), people in Montreal and throughout the world will mobilize to protest the WTO and its neoliberal policies.

The Montreal N9 Coalition was formed at a public assembly last August. Its initial objectives were to invite people and various organizations to express their concerns regarding the upcoming WTO Ministerial in Qatar, and to coordinate a range activities suggested by these participants with the goal of promoting coherence and solidarity. The events of September 11 caused considerable organizing delays as various groups, and the Coalition itself, struggled to reframe positions and to reaffirm its commitments. The determination to resist the WTO has remained strong all along, but it is now clear that this resitance must be expressed within the context of a new emphasis on peaceful conflict resolution and a resolute defence of civil liberties.

There is obviously little time remaining before N9, and so it is clearly essential that representatives of all groups wishing to get involved meet promptly. All are therefore invited to meet on Saturday, October 27, 13:30, at 1710 Beaudry to coordinate and finalize the 'Manifestive' which has been planned for November 9th.
Information will be available on what is already planned for the 'Manifestive', as well as on doing awareness-raising among your members about WTO-related issues, and getting people mobilized for this festive and peaceful protest. A team will be available to mount teach-ins in the coming weeks. You will also be invited to have your group's position regarding the WTO represented among the kiosks which will be set up in Phillip's Square to coincide with the arrival of the 'Manifestive March'. For N9 to be a success, the Coalition requires support, be it organizing creative actions, participation on committees, or providing financial and material resources. Your contributions are essential!

For further N9 information and resources, visit either of the two Coalition websites: or

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