
Progressive Religious Leaders Issue Call for a Faith-based Response to Terrorism

vieuxcmaq, Samedi, Septembre 22, 2001 - 11:00

Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris (

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with the Rev. Jim Wallis, editor of Sojourners Magazine, who summarizes the statement he helped draft and his concerns as America and the world enter a new and dangerous era.

Progressive Religious Leaders Issue Call for a Faith-based Response to Terrorism

Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris.

As the nation attempted to come to grips with the enormity of the loss of life and massive destruction wrought by the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., some on the religious right used the occasion to say that the sins of some Americans were responsible for the attack. Television evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, who spoke on the Christian Broadcast Network's 700 Club program, stated that homosexuals, feminists, abortion rights supporters and civil liberties groups bear some of the blame for the Sept. 11th terror assaults. President Bush, who received significant support from Falwell and Robertson in last year's presidential election, described the remarks as "inappropriate."

But a broad coalition of Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy responded to the tragedy in a very different way. More than 500 progressive religious leaders, thus far, have signed onto a statement titled, "Deny Them Their Victory: A Religious Response To Terrorism."

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with the Rev. Jim Wallis, editor of Sojourners Magazine, who summarizes the statement he helped draft and his concerns as America and the world enter a new and dangerous era(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

Contact Sojourners Magazine by calling (202) 328-8842 or visit their Web site at

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