
TODAY! Meeting to Plan and Discuss Montreal Actions in Solidarity with the IMF/World Bank Protests

vieuxcmaq, Jeudi, Septembre 6, 2001 - 11:00

Mobilization Montreal (

In the spirit of this mass mobilization against the IMF/WB and corporate globalization, popular education campaigns are under way around the globe. If you will be in Montreal, join us in organizing, mobilizing, and demonstrating in solidarity with those peoples that are harmed by the IMF and WB all over the world, and those at the demonstrations in Washington.

Place: 2149 Mackay, (SCPA) metro Guy-Concordia
Time: 19h00
Date: THURS. Sept. 6th

At the end of September the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) are holding their bi-annual meetings in Washington D.C. These two organizations are notorious for the damage they have done in "lesser developed countries" by giving large loans meant to boost the economy, loans that infact do little but damage the environment and lives of the people living there. By the forced instillation of "structural adjustment programs" to cut costs and supposedly speed up the loan repayment process, these poor and deeply in-debt countries are forced to give up social programs such as adequate healthcare, education, and fair labour practices. As this debt trap grows, the people and environment in these countries suffer, while the wealthy North American and Europeans who run the WB and IMF prosper.

In the spirit of this mass mobilization against the IMF/WB and corporate globalization, popular education campaigns are under way around the globe. If you will be in Montreal, join us in organizing, mobilizing, and demonstrating in solidarity with those peoples that are harmed by the IMF and WB all over the world, and those at the demonstrations in Washington.

Mobilization Montreal
For more info call 931-2377

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