
Statewatch publishes a special report “The enemy within”

vieuxcmaq, Jeudi, Août 23, 2001 - 11:00

Jeanne La Belle (

Statewatch published today a paper “the enemy within”. It is a special report on the EU’s plans to combat future protests at EU or other international meeting in the EU.

Statewatch published today a paper “the enemy within”. It is a special report on the EU’s plans to combat future protests at EU or other international meeting in the EU. The report states that the new created EU “Task Force of Chief Police Officers” has no legal basis for its activities and that the EU plans would give that Task Force control of operations.

As Statewatch editor, Tony Bunyan, comments: "The plans by EU governments to counter protests threaten the right of free movement and the right to protest. They were rushed through in secret meetings in just two weeks without any reference to national or European parliaments.
The plans will have little effect on the ground where we are likely to see more authoritarian policing of protests on the streets. But the governments have given the green light to the law enforcement agencies to put groups concerned with global issues under surveillance on the grounds that they are all potential 'troublemakers'.
EU governments should spend their time and resources resolving the underlying issues which are bringing the people onto the streets instead of targeting a new 'enemy within' which smacks of Cold War ideology."

Statewatch further states that in fact the EU plans:

* create mechanisms for “operational” cooperation for which there are no legal powers
* legitimise the ongoing surveillance by “police and intelligence officers” (internal security services) of “persons or groups likely to pose a threat to public order and security”
* create national databases of “troublemakers” based on suspicion and supposition without any legal standards or data protection and allow the unregulated exchange of this data
* allow EU member states to pass laws to prevent people from going to protests in other countries if their names have been recorded as “suspects” or if they have been convicted of minor public order offences (i.e.: obstructing the highway).

Statewatch News online - reporting on civil liberties in the European Union.
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