
Flame-Chain Practice inturrupted!

vieuxcmaq, Lundi, Août 20, 2001 - 11:00

GRASS hopper (

Police stopped Flame-Chain practice on Mount Royal today - claiming they needed a "permit" to practice their ART!

- As a drummer who was present for ten years (1986-96) when police came every Spring
to convince us that we needed a "permit" to play (we ALWAYS refused to get one), I intervened
with this fact! Also why FRIZZBIE players, & BEAN-BAG players needed NO PERMITS! Finally, I asked
if the police had a "permit" to walk on the mountain grass?
- Their response? They pretended NOT TO UNDERSTAND ENGLISH (while I heard them talk in it upon my approach!)!
at the Quebec FTAA protests!
- Later, some of us confronted other officers, about the (ineffective) GMO-polls in favor of food-labeling, Global Warming,
and OTHER collective-death practices of the corporations!
They had been "programed" to believe the NEW ANARCHISM is merely a ticket to FREE INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR - which will lead to CHAOS: when WE
have seen this-type behavior lead to WONDERFUL ART EXPRESSION, enriching ALL our LIVES!
They say everthing is merely an "opinion"!
- I said this merely reflected their "Grocery-store" consumer mind-set!
They said our "VOTE" determined "DEMOCRACY".
- I said it had been shown by performance, that EVERY candidate was controlled by the CORPORATIONS & their SLAVE-MEDIA, and provided NO SOLUTIONS
or moves to implement either WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT (reflected in GMO-polls - which I pointed out they themselves must have voted for labeling - given the immense majority in such votes!).

The Monteal Mountain Cops are clearly confused! They sense that the American Corporations are behind their "Rule Agenda" and well may be INVADING CANADA in the guise of "Free Trade" (really "Forced Trade"),
and the so-called "science" of "risk-assessment", but so far have continued to "follow orders", no matter HOW UNPOPULAR, or RESENTED, or even RESISTED, by the people!
Now they are trying to foist a new "development" program on Montreal Est, through buying up East St. Catherine for yet another "Shopping Mall"!
No doubt Broffman now has SPARE CAPITAL since completing the LONDON DOCKS PROJECT!
THIS KIND OF "DEVELOPMENT" DESTROYS FREE-ARTISTIC ENDEAVOR: it did it on the "Plateau", now it attempts to do the same on the East End!
DESTRUCTION masquarading as "philanthropy" or "improvment"! No doubt the WHORES, and the COKE CONNECTIONS, will find it far easier to adjust, than the East Ends Artists: whose badge of INTEGRITY, and INDEPENDANT THOUGHT, is MARKED
by their relative, non-consumer POVERTY! This POVERTY is in no way altered in any permanent or constructive way by ANY GOVERNMENT OR CAPITALIST TAX-WRITE-OFF "Cultural Programs", of any kind (though the governmental ones' of wall-painting, etc., may be marginally less onerous).
I suggest a tactic of CONTINUALLY FLAME-CHAIN PRACTICE AT NIGHT ON THE MOUNTAIN - with frequent changes on locale as the police bound to their OIL-CARS, try to "home in"!
This will be a continual reminder that the FLAMES OF FREEDOM, CANNOT BE EXTINGUISHED, and will continue, long after such corrupt and ultimately mind-less institutions like the OIL-COPS, are BANISHED FROM THE FACE of our Erstwhile (before their advent!) PURE MOTHER EARTH!!!
(They just stopped me from publishing this news on Monteal Indymedia. The code-books stolen at Genoa, have been "making the rounds" of the worlds' complicit police spies: now WHO could be behind THAT phenomenon?
My "guess"? Du-Bu Woo-Boo & assorted beastialities in Florida & Washingham!

Dossier G20
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