
Palestinians View Israeli Occupation of East Jerusalem's Orient House...

vieuxcmaq, Dimanche, Août 19, 2001 - 11:00

Interview by Between the Lines' Scott Harris. (

Hussein Ibish, of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, discusses the significance of the Israeli takeover of Orient House and the consequences for those working to implement a cease-fire.

Palestinians View Israeli Occupation of East Jerusalem's Orient House as a Serious Provocation

Interview by Between the Lines' Scott Harris.

After the Aug. 9th suicide bombing at a Jerusalem restaurant which killed 15 civilians, Israeli forces retaliated by taking over nine buildings housing Palestinian officials in East Jerusalem, including Orient House.

Orient House has for many years been the unofficial seat of Palestinian governance in the Holy City and a powerful symbol of Palestinian aspirations for a future homeland. Israeli authorities stated
that the closure order would be in effect for six months but could be extended.

Palestinians responded by calling for a general strike Aug. 13, which closed down most commerce in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. Protesters, including a group of international peace activists, have confronted Israeli troops outside the gates of Orient House since the takeover.

Hussein Ibish, of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, discusses the significance of the Israeli takeover of Orient House and the consequences for those working to implement a cease-fire(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

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