

vieuxcmaq, Samedi, Août 18, 2001 - 11:00

hopper GRASS (

I) Main Energy MODE: Lt. Metal/ Air M.P.S. transport.

II) Main Physical CONNECTORS: GREENblock bio-diverse Roll & Floatways.




I) Four types of WATER CARS now exist - Plus several others.
a) Light Anarchist M.P.S. aluminum cell arrays.
b) Small company Lt. Metal Electrolytic, modular, Fuel-Less Cell high-brids.
c) ZPE-Alloy Fuel-Less Cell direct high-brids.

(x: Water-sourced Hydrogen motor conversion kits & vehicles.)

Others: Air-cars & Solar/Battery cars (The "Southern" fuel-Less vehicles.)

II) GREENblock Bio-Diverse Roll & Floatways reach initial deployment as Connectors of PINK BELT (outside original "Red-Belts") CONSENSUS COMMUNITY CLUSTERS of ORGANIC FARMING & GARDENING. They form a fourth network addition to side-walks: Long-range motor roads: & bicycle paths.
a) Indentations coupled with Base/Acid PH composition, provide eco-nitches for immigrant plant, insect, & the bird & animal species who prey on them.
b) While motor roads SHORTEN DISTANCE, GREENblock Bio-Diverse Clear-Ways focus on LENGTHENING & DIVERSIFYING DISTANCE & SPACE.

a) These are NOT LOANS - REQUIERE NO INTEREST or PAYBACK OF PRINCIPAL: they are COMMUNITY GIFTS in EQUAL TOTAL AMOUNT to each and every community member.
b) They form the INTERNAL COMMUNITY CURRENCY & can be traded between members freely.
c) They are cognate to NATIONAL CURRENCIES in a contiginous double-circle or "figure-8" pattern: COMMUNITY EXPORTS are MATCHED to COMMUNITY IMPORTS externally in the NATIONAL (or World) currency in a BALANCED MANNER. Ex.: you SELL Lettuce / BUY Bananas in trips to the Cluster or Super-Cluster center. This minimizes trade, and concentrates it on the most needed items of import.

Some guide-lines:
a) Each CC-member, when issued CC-Notes, becomes a mix of the three main "Classes" through the circulation of the three types of notes; thus leading to the building of CLASS-LESS society consciousness incorporating Each major "Class-View" in EVERY individual.
b) CC-Notes are kept "Playful" and non-coercive by a number of suggested devices:
1) Periodic recall & redistribution of equal amounts of NEWLY-DESIGNED notes: this prevents accumulation and abuse by dominant-type members. THE PURPOSE OF COMMUNITY NOTES IS INCREASING AND DIVERSIFYING COMMUNITY PROJECTS & PRODUCTION & MAXIMIZING EVERY MEMBERS INITIATIVE - NOT "getting rich"!
2) Members who consistantly SPEND ALL THEIR VARIOUS CLASS NOTES may be ASKED TO LEAVE THE COMMUNITY, after say, three repeats (Baseball image) - or, conversely, they may be inducted into the COMMUNITY HALL OF FAME & given endlessly repeated quantities of notes, IF the COMMUNITY CONSENSUS is that their work rebounds to the benefit of the Community (or greater Global Cluster) generally in some unknown or unrecognised way; after all, it wouldn't be good or advantageous to banish a Jesus, Buddha, or LaoTszu - none of whom benefited their respective communities in any accepted economically functional way!

These kind of consensus guide-lines, help keep the COMMUNITY CURRENCY playful, and retain its' experimental developmental dimensions. Another means to the same end is GRAFFETTI or CARTOON IMPRINTS on CURRENCY - I have invited the artist of to contribute three initial designs for community issuance in furtherance of that intent.

This ECONOMIC SYSTEM allows CAPITALISM & SOCIALISM to CONTINUE carrying out their respective PURELY POSITIVE FUNCTIONS: such as large-scale production & distribution, and provision of area-wide social projects (utilities, public transport, & the like), BUT RELEASES THEM FROM NEGATIVE COERCIVE & SMALL-SCALE FUNCTIONS (prisons, fines, objectionable rules & the like). THESE ARE WHAT MAKE BOTH SYSTEMS UNPOPULAR and are seen as generally "beneath their dignity" to administer - or even acknowledge!


a) To the various WARRIOR PARTIES, the CONSENSUS COMMUNITIES SMOOTH FUNCTIONING forms the BRIDGE from "Completeness" to "Totality of Self" - just what Quetzalcoatl Kulculcan was supposed to bring into effect!
b) For Hebrews, the CONSENSUS COMMUNITY SMOOTH FUNCTIONING brings a CLARIFICATION and PERFECTING of the LAW (Torah), which, because of the limitations on consciousness at the time of its' writing, could not express the matter as the ONE IDEAL LAW of Midrash Oral Tradition- or even elucidate the basis of that intended ONE LAW: but NOW CAN!
c) This goes for Christianity also - whether regarded as a CORRECTIVE, or an INFLUENCED result of Biblical LAW!

These are mere examples which you can add to and amplify for various religions & cultural traditions. All rest on:

IV) The ZPE (Zero Point Energy) energy, which is KNOWN ONLY BY ITS' EFFECTS, both by humans, AND by the many alien worlds, cultures & life-forms who utilize it.

a) Each ATOM is INDIVIDUAL & UNIQUE. Since each ATOM reflects the FORCES SURROUNDING & PASSING THROUGH IT, as well as its' elemental or compounded density, position, and mass aggregate conditions - to be EXACTLY THE SAME it would have to occupy the EXACT SAME SPACE, under the EXACT SAME CONDITIONS - which is impossible since those define the first ATOMS ENERGY UNIQUENESS.
b) ATOMS are the ORIGINAL, though non-reproductive, LIFE-FORM of which all others are built by directed influence, and EACH ONE CONTAINS THE ESSENTIAL AND ONLY LEVEL OF CONTACT WITH INFINITE FORCES.
c) This leads to a totally new concept of LIFE & REALITY:
2) HUMAN LIFE (and all alien sentient forms as well) are: LONG-EXTENSION ENTROPY SUSPENSION SYSTEMS: ATOMIC LIFE (and all further alignments up to self-conscious sentience), are SHORT-EXTENSION ENTROPY SUSPENSION SYSTEMS.

Thus the LOGICAL CONCLUSION of PHYLOGENESIS (womb specie progression), and GENETIC INHERITANCE (history of symbiotic specie interactions), is given FINAL LOGICAL and COMPREHENSIVE FORM by this Dual Science/Religious (spirit/matter unitized) ENTROPIC SUSPENSION LIFE PROGRESSIVE EXTENSION DEFINITION.

Additional Notes:

1) Consensus Communities and Community Clusters are land-occupying groups which which emerge from Affinity Group associations & direct their collective actions by UNANIMOUS, rather than MAJORITY decisions. Two innovations (& perhaps others) have made these functional if not efficient: the "stand-aside" and the "block". To know more attend local Anarchist Affinity Workshops & "Trainings".
2) All "Governing functions" are carried out by COMPUTER AFFINITY VIRTUAL ASSOCIATIONS working on the same principle as the communities. "Clusters" are contiginous Physical LOCAL or mentally VIRTUAL communities, which may choose to use the same local community currencies.
3) "Marginal" recycleable and renewable energy sources are important plants and community productions also - ones' like wind generators, hydro, Earth-Thermal, and solar sourcing are well-known, and of local applicability.
4) MANY OBJECTS - including WATER CAR CELLS, ARRAYS, and BODY COVERINGS, OTHER ENERGY SOURCING DEVICES, and HOUSING PARTS SUCH AS WINDOWS, as well as TOOLS, will soon be made by OBJECT PRINTERS - thus replacing the shopping malls, which can then be converted to CONSENSUS COMMUNITY HOUSINGS (Minus the petro-chemical paved areas - torn up for garden use).
5) Community HOUSING, whether converted single structures, built close (wall-sharing) structures, or individual disperse formations, are the lot or decision of individual communities: the guide-line is Albedo equivalence to NATURAL LAND CONDITIONS - whether grass or forest canopy covered - this to eliminate Super-Storm Weather & Climate distortions.
6) Floatways will emerge as WATER ENERGY SOURCING BECOMES MORE EFFICIENT. Note that the GREENblock reality is that ANY and EVERY place becomes a place to stop and enjoy the beauties of Bio-Diversity - each with its' own complement of plant, insect, bird, animal, and in the ZPE understanding, crystaline and inanimate life forms.
Paradise, where EVERY place is an ultimate HOME, in other words. A goal well worth working towards in the coming years. This defines the END OF EXILE in a life-embracing, and meaningful sense.

7) The ZPE (zero point energy) is being encountered in many fields, not only Air Force "reverse engineering" of alien spacecraft; for example Light Metal Alloy plates, Heat fused crystalized metal grains in automotive blocks, as well as gas and flame deposition processes. The electrical and field characteristics of these results can be explained by neither Quark, Quantum, or Classical Newtonian theory as embodied in Maxwells' equations. However, unlike the slight modifications of the velocity/mass type involved under ordinary terresteral conditions between Quantum & classical theories, ZPE results demand a RADICAL REINTERPRETATION of matter, its' sources, meaning, and function, as pointed out above. No doubt, in the future the ZPE-effects will be increasingly known, harnessed and controlled; but the task of pointing out its' implications for physics, chemistry, biology, and even social eco-systemic approaches can be begun now. After all, the real basis of mass-murder charges against the F.D.A. and food corporations, are based on these considerations, as well as its' impact on present human legal, social and biologic & biospheric modeling.

The Rabbi to whom it is Taboo to change even a DOT of the Torah Scrolls, but to whom it is O.K. to add, delete, or transport & insert a gene from another specie, has an almost incredibly absurd and childish view of reality essentials.
Like-wise those who would defend to the point of murder their house or car, but would turn their genes over to manipulation at the suggestion of the good doctor.
These views and actions negate Life Itself. The time has come to Affirm and Extend Life - and to know more cogently what it is that we are affirming and extending. I hope these few words of encouragment to CONSENSUS COMMUNITY formation, will assist in implementing that goal.

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