
AntiRacist Mobilization Against Columbus Day and Genocide in America

vieuxcmaq, Mercredi, Août 15, 2001 - 11:00

original press release by Doc Rosen of AIM, reposted here by Lynx (

There will be a massive mobilization against Columbus day in Colorado - the state where columbus day originated. Christopher Columbus was directly responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people, and is symbolic of the ongoing genocide against indigenous peoples that has claimed an estimated 98-99 million lives, the largest Genocide in all of human history. It is absolutely essential that this mobilization - more than any other in recent memory - be a success!

Please forward everywhere appropriate.

For the first time since Seattle, an action of international scale is
being not just *joined* by communities of color but actually
organized by them. This time the target is not a meeting of an agency
such as the WTO or the IMF but the very legacy and historical
processes that have brought us globalization.
In opposing all celebrations of Columbus and Columbus Day we are
opposing the very foundation of globalization, both in its historical
and current manifestations.

While our current incarnation of the anti-globalization movement may
be new, the struggle against globalization is not. The Indigenous
People of the Western Hemishere have been organizing and
fighting against Capitalist Globalization,
not for months and years but for decades and centuries.

Now the Native American and Chicano activists and communities call on
all people of conscience to join us, in body and spirit, those four
days October 5-8th in actively stopping and reversing the Columbus
legacy by protecting and affirming all that is beautiful in humanity
and the earth.

You have been debating why we have not joined you, now we ask you to join us.

Besides the general invite we are looking for both trained StreetMedics
and those who wish to be trained as StreetMedics

Doc Rosen
American Indian Movement Medic /Colorado StreetMedics

BTW Here are three useful URLs

the Transform Columbus Day Alliance Site

The Medic listserve

(you can join by emailing

the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Bloc/ Convergence

Dossier G20
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