
The first design of Canada's new 10 dollar bill the gov. doesn't want you to see ; )

vieuxcmaq, Dimanche, Août 5, 2001 - 11:00

steven zikopoulos (

A playful DIY (do-it yourself) image of Canada's new 10 dollar bill.

Think of the changes and references. Play with the ideas. Come up with something better!

Although I'm affiliated with OCAT (ontario coalition against the tories) this is not an OCAT sanctioned post. I post on my own accord.

A short rant:

The United States may historically be the most "evil" country and culture. How many have been killed via "US initiatives and interventions" since world war II? Perhaps an historian can help us out.

Has the USA exceeded the atrocities committed by the Nazis yet?

Its military and cultural imperialism take many forms (eg the "war on drugs" and "plan columbia". "plan columbia" makes me think of "plan British Columbia". a province which is currently being demonized by the USA for its cannabis farmers).

I worked for a well-known multi-national for 4.5 years. During my work there I had the pleasure and dis-pleasure of getting to know southern culture in the USA.

From my experience in North Carolina and do Americans hate Quebecers!

That experience made me further appreciate the strong-hold of French culture in Canada and the absolutely unique culture of Montreal.

In the future I hope to renew my french and make more connections with like-minded people in the Ottawa-Hull region and in Montreal.

Fighting to win in solidarity,

Steven Zikopoulos

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