
KASHMIR TALK - Peace Activists from South Asia

vieuxcmaq, Mercredi, Août 1, 2001 - 11:00

Feroz Mehdi (

Prominent peace activist Mr. Tapan Bose, General Secretary of the South Asia Forum for Human Rights (SAFHR) and Mr. Zafar Meraj, Editor of the Kashmir Monitor, will present a public lecture on Politics of Peace in Kashmir. Mr. Bose and Mr. Meraj’s North America tour is sponsored by Centre d’etudes et de ressources sur l’Asie du Sud (CERAS), a Montreal based NGO dedicated to promoting peace and social justice in South Asia ..

CERAS presents
Prominent Peace Activists from South Asia

Prominent peace activist Mr. Tapan Bose, General Secretary of the South Asia Forum for Human Rights (SAFHR) and Mr. Zafar Meraj, Editor of the Kashmir Monitor, will present a public lecture on Politics of Peace in Kashmir. Mr. Bose and Mr. Meraj’s North America tour is sponsored by Centre d’etudes et de ressources sur l’Asie du Sud (CERAS), a Montreal based NGO dedicated to promoting peace and social justice in South Asia ..

CERAS was founded in 1992 with an objective to gather support from the South Asian Diaspora in Canada and all Canadians for peace, democracy and secularism between the countries of South Asia

Both Mr. Bose and Mr. Meraj have been actively working to find peaceful political settlement to the Kashmir problem which has claimed thousands of lives since 1947 and has uprooted hundreds of thousands of people from their birth place. SAFHR’s work in the area of peace making is known as 'people's track' diplomacy by the public and the media alike. They have been hailed by various civil society institutions as well as local and international NGOs

Although the recently held high level Peace Summit between the government of Pakistan and India failed to produce any meaningful resolution of the Kashmir problem, it nonetheless is a positive development, which CERAS believes is a result of tireless work done by individuals such as Mr. Bose and Mr. Meraj as well as numerous other civil society institutions. In light of recent developments, CERAS invites public and the member of the media to public lecture and a talk-back session.

Sunday, August 5, 2001
3 PM
Bharat Bhawan
4225 Notre Dame West
(Metro St Henri)


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