

vieuxcmaq, Samedi, Juillet 21, 2001 - 11:00

Connie Fogal (

While he who could be your son or brother lay dead from a police bullet to the head and then for good measure was run over by the police vehicle, remember that the police follow orders.

While the G8 leaders and others are all smiles and smug in their privileged meeting, remember they are secretly promoting terms in international agreements that criminalize dissent and remove the democratic right of free speech and free assembly. While we
decry police brutality, remember a world police force unregulated by any nation has been created by the world powers. Still we can say NO to those forces if we stand together. But we must breach the denial that exists.

While I was conducting a lone candlelight vigil at the Italian consulate in Vancouver July 20, the night of the G8 murder of the youth from Spain, a young Italian- Canadian male stopped to read the signs plastered on the glass doors announcing the protest Saturday July 21, at 5:30 pm., Italian Consulate, 510 West Hastings St. Vancouver BC. He was attracted by the name
Genoa because he comes from there, and asked me what happened there and when. His response to my explanation was: “That’s bullshit, bullshit. I come from Genoa. We know how to treat people and it is not like that. That did not happen!

Dossier G20
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