
Elliot Abrams And His Three Monkeys

vieuxcmaq, Mardi, Juillet 10, 2001 - 11:00

deSelby . (

It's been over a week now since President www. Bush made his appointment of Elliot Abrams to senior director of the National Security Council's office of democracy, human rights, and international operations (if that isn't an office stuffed full of adopted idealism!)....

It's been over a week now since President www. Bush made his appointment of Elliot Abrams to senior director of the National Security Council's office of democracy, human rights, and international operations (if that isn't an office stuffed full of adopted idealism!), and with great difficulty the Savior Ass® news crew is now letting the laughter subside to bring you the following report—truly tailored to the American attention span.
Elliot Abrams, for those who don't know, played a leading role in the Iran-Contra scandal. Throughout the Reagan administration Mr. Abrams was the acting—and I do mean acting—Assistant Secretary of State. At a time when the US government was trying its best to very quietly and very actively fund and support counterrevolutionary massacres in Latin America, Mr. Abrams was an absolute enthusiast. In one fell swoop he could dismiss hundreds slaughtered in El Mazote by the first installation of American troops there as "commie propaganda" whilst simultaneously urging congress to further fund the thuggish Salvadoran military. Even more ironic, these denials came at the end of 1981, the same year Mr. Abrams was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for human rights and humanitarian affairs.....

If you think you can handle the TROOF and would like to read the rest of this smashing report you must go now, immediately, to

Purveyers of TROOF!

Dossier G20
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