
Anarchism in Action: Methods, Tactics, Skills, and Ideas

vieuxcmaq, Mercredi, Juin 13, 2001 - 11:00

Shawn Ewald (

I've put together a book ( that is a compendium of anarchist/activist methods skills and tactics. It covers everything from decisionmaking, direct action, fundraising, and security -- and much more.

I've put together a book ( that is a compendium of anarchist/activist methods skills and tactics. It covers everything from decisionmaking, direct action, fundraising, and security -- and much more. Just about everything contained in it was found on the
web; the idea behind making this book was to put all this useful information in one place.

I welcome you to read it, download it, mirror it, and above all use it.
What follows is the book's table of contents:

Anarchism in Action: Methods, Tactics, Skills, and Ideas

Table of Contents:


Forms of Decision Making and Organization

Direct Democracy
Affinity Groups
Federations and Networks

Communication: Getting the Word Out

Postering, Tabling, and Propaganda Distribution
Tips on Giving Speeches and Presentations
Traditional Alternative media
The Internet and Independent Media
Mainstream press relations

Organizing and Action

Types of Organizing

Community Organizing
Labor Organizing
Building Coalitions

Types of Actions

Protests/Public Order Situations
Strikes and Labor Actions
Le Tute Bianche, W.O.M.B.L.E.S., Black Blocs, and Police
Lock-Downs and Occupations
Squatting as a Protest Tactic
Hunger Strikes
Street Parties and Street Theater
Billboard Improvement
Jail Solidarity

Security, Protection, and Self-Defense

Security Practices and Security Culture
Police Tactics and Your Legal Rights
Legal Observers
Action Reconnaissance and Scouting
Basic First Aid and Street Medics
Physical Self-Defense

Anarchist Projects

Social Centers, Community Spaces, and Squats
Microradio Stations
Mutual Aid Projects
Tenant's Unions
Free Schools
Food Not Bombs
Homes Not Jails
Anti-Racist Action
Earth First!
Reclaim The Streets

Fundraising and Non-Profit Organizations

Fundraising Activities
Grant Proposal Writing and Foundation Funding
Managing Money for your Collective or Project
Starting an unincorporated association or non-profit

References and Recommended Reading

Dossier G20
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