
Terror Returns Where It Came From

vieuxcmaq, Mercredi, Juin 6, 2001 - 11:00

Isidor Plutonymus (

The Ghosts from Waco and OKC have come back to hunt the REAL
TERRORISTS...and make their life a living Hell...
Their terror was their error...
Now, their error is their terror.

When The Ghosts Come Back To Hunt

For those about to crash...

For those out there who would rather stay warm and dry in your
comfort zones, who cannot believe the evil running the machine out in
Washington, DC., I say crawl back into your peepholes and stay comfy.
But for those of you who demand the truth and justice, we're finally
seeing some panic out of DC. I believe, and this is just my opinion,
that the World Trade Center (WTC) bombing and the one in OKC were
done deliberately and that cells of middle Eastern Errorists, along
with dopes like Andy Trashmyass and the rest of the John Blows,
carried out this heinous act.

These murders were done to get that anti-terrorism bill through
Congress. Too bad we can't get the dicks to pass an anti-errorism
bill, because Isidor, Persephone and the anarchists over at Indymedia
and the rest of St-Isidore's Holy Internet, would come on down to
Washington and kick some serious Duck!

The Clowns with all the budgets aren't getting anywhere NEAR any
solutions to the mess they've created: THEY ARE the Concentrated BIG

And "we the sheople", are the dispersed and dissipated little mess...

But the Internet is changing all that...!

The dispersed are not so dispersed anymore. Thanks to the invention
of the Internet by Al Capone alias El Bore.

The BIG MESS and the small mess are opposite sides of the same coin:
paranoid control freaks on the one hand, and gullible zombies on the

Isidor is circulating a petition all over his Holy Internet: he wants
the Army of Salvation to come help Isidor and Persephone ship these
bloated carcasses infected with Mad Corporation Disease, way on down
to Concentration Camp, to have them concentrate REAL HARD on focusing
at LEAST 10% of what little brains they have, on something other than
protecting their asses, the assholes who pay them, and the tight-asses
who buy the assholes...and so on, up the bladder of Suckssess.

Asses to asses and lust to lust. ...dedicated to Duck Chainy and
the Errorists, the Champagne Bottle Corksuckers (CBC), the Fedral
Bureau of Intimidation (FBI), the Injustice Department (ID), The
American Terrorist Federation (ATF), CBS (Crooks Behind Smiles), NBC
(National Bullshit Corporation or National Bablum Corporation, same
difference), ABC (A Bunch of Coocksuckers), CNN ( Corrupted National
News), etc...etc...


It is a grotesque thought, but I would like anyone who had anything
to do with the OKC bombing to listen up: This shadow government eats
their own for survival. It would not surprise me to see a few of you
plucked out of obscurity and hung out to dry just to make it look
like "the bad guys" were caught after all these years. Better you guys
come clean now and settle for a deal and 20 years in prison than have
the government get you into the area they control (a federal trial) and
you end up on the other end of a needle like McVeigh's looking at. Can't
happen? Ha!

So if you weaslewasps are listening out there and aren't sure what to
do, just come on down to Concentration Camp and let Isidor and
Persephone help you make the Right decision. We can handle train
loads of Bozos like you.
Come on down!

Act Now and save Time. (Time behind bars)
Act Now and save your Soul. (If you still have one to save...)
Act Now and save a lot of bullshit. (We've had our fill)
Act now and get used to it! (it's just going to get a whole lot worse)

It's the only way to go. (unless you want to go straight to Hell; just
call on Isidor: he'll show you the way)

The alternative is beyond your worst nightmares...

Asscrotch says McVeigh will be executed June 11th. McVeigh has
quite an interesting history during his short stint with the
military. We must find out if he has a bio-chip or what programs he was
involved with while in the silitary. Just exactly what Bozo was handling
this boy? I ask Larry Becrafty about this and he said he's sure that all
of this is probably going to be kept secret under the guise of
"classified for national security."

or an honest judge could fix that in a NY second. Something is very
wrong about this guy. Just like Flea Harvey Oswald. If you're going to
execute Mcveigh, do it for the right reason and be sure. If he was
fooling around with these jokers at Elhoim City and was thinking
about bombing a federal building, you don't execute someone for thinking
about something.

What about Andrew Trashmyass? The Federal Bureau of Intimidation
and a guy named Kirk Lieon (strange bedfellows playing together),
assisted getting this key player out of the country. John Haschcroft
should use all the power of his orifice to extradite this guy back to
the United States - today.

Below are more stories and pieces on the bombing. It's a
mountain of material to be sure, but then so are the lies that have been
spewed by this government. Both of these publications below have
excellent, intensely researched stories. I hope that due to what's
happened, both magazines might consider putting all their OKC stories up
on their web sites since these are such old issues of their magazines
and they may not carry them anymore.

Media Bypass - 1-800-4bypass

June 1995
November 1995
December 1995 - A very important issue
February 1996
March 1996
July 1996

June 1996: A very important issue which contains ATF (American
Terrorist Federation) statements that none of their agents were in
the building at the time. Some had children who were regularly enrolled
in the day care center located in the Hurrah Building. Guess what? Their
children did not attend school that day (thank God). Sorry Devvy,
Isidor begs to disagree here: These children of the American Terrorist
Federation are the ones who should have been in the Hurrah Building
instead, with their worthless parents along with them, of course.

The other murdered children and their parents had NO PRIOR WARNING.
Another coindecence?

Somebody should tell those ATF agent's kids that their parents
are lying hypocrits, errorists and terrorists. Their error is going to
cost them their terror. And I hope the bastards shit their pants
while protecting their asses when they find out that Big Sister is
watching THEM and Isidor is coming to town...

Stay tooned for the latest bablum avalanche out of Washingtoon Duck

Isidor, inspired by the inspired work of Devvy Kidd and the cea-usa

Bless their relentless Hearts.


P.S.: The Ghost Writers:

Original article by Devvy Kidd:

The original article by Devvy Kidd

Dossier G20
  Nous vous offrons plusieurs reportages indépendants et témoignages...

Très beau dessin: des oiseaux s'unissent pour couper une cloture de métal, sur fonds bleauté de la ville de Toronto.
Liste des activités lors de ce
« contre-sommet » à Toronto

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Centre des médias Alternatifs Toronto

Media Co-op Toronto

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