Police might be taken to court for illegal assemblyvieuxcmaq, Dimanche, Mai 13, 2001 - 11:00
Pierre-Olivier Savoie (po_savoie@hotmail.com)
The Concordia Student Union passed a motion last Wednesday to bring three police forces to court on charges of illegal assembly following the deployment of 6,700 officers in the streets of Quebec City during the Summit of the Americas. “(The article) states that a group of three or more people becomes an illegal assembly if, with the intention of attaining a common goal, the group conducts itself in such a way as to cause reasonable grounds for fear among the people who find themselves in the area of the gathering,” Bernans wrote in the preamble of the motion. Motion voted by Concordia Student Union council on May 9, 2001 prepared by David Bernans (CSU Researcher) Whereas, the police forces (including members of the RCMP, the SQ, and Quebec City Police) assembled in Quebec City in the vicinity of the Streets René Lévesque and Turnbull between the hours of 4:00 pm and 3:00 am on Friday April 20 and Saturday April 21, between 10:00 am and 3:00 am Saturday April 21 and Sunday April 22 and police forces in the area of Ilôt Fleuri on Sunday April 22 between 4 am and 10 am conducted themselves in an entirely inappropriate manner. Whereas said police forces launched repeated unprovoked volleys of tear gas and plastic bullets into the crowds of protesters and the surrounding residential neighbourhoods. Whereas said police forces beat and arrested people for no reason. Whereas the forces in the area of Ilôt Fleuri at about 9:00 am threw about $3000 worth of food and kitchen supplies (used by volunteers to feed hungry people) into the garbage and arrested about 50 people for no reason (including Concordia¹s own Zev Tiefenbach of the Concordia People’s Potato Collective). Whereas, Article 63 of the criminal code states that a group of three or more people becomes an illegal assembly if, with the intention of Whereas, the gatherings of the various police forces mentioned above, in the areas mentioned above at the times mentioned above must be considered to constitute cases of illegal assembly. BIRT the Concordia Student Union Council of Representatives direct the CSU executive to bring charges of illegal assembly against the members of the police forces (including members of the RCMP, the SQ, and Quebec City Police) assembled in Quebec City in the vicinity of the Streets René Lévesque and Turnbull between the hours of 4:00 pm and 3:00 am on Friday April 20 and Saturday April 21, between 10:00 am and 3:00 am Saturday April 21 and Sunday April 22 and members of police forces in the area of Ilôt Fleuri on Sunday April 22 between 4 am and 10 am. -30-
Concordia Student Union's website.
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