
Clarification on the rumors of deaths.

vieuxcmaq, Vendredi, Mai 4, 2001 - 11:00

Randy In Waterloo (

I want to stop these horrible rumors before they start. Yes one person died in Quebec city, but I think we should confirm these reports before we start broadcasting the hysteria. I was there, and I also know what rumors can do...

First of all, I was working the dispatch desk at the press room during the entire weekend, tons of half-informed reports like this came in over the news line. We considered something unconfirmed unless at least three different people gave us the details independently of each other, and even then we contacted every official agency we could think of to confirm. From all the reports I’ve received, it was a guy who was shot in the throat with a plastic bullet, and he is still alive, but may never speak again, and the corporate news jumped on this a week ago. The elderly woman who died, died of a heart attack, possibly induced by the tear gas or by the F***ing war zone outside the nursing home on Turnbull. I’ve heard nothing about this third person who was shot in the throat. I personally think it has to do with crossed wires of communication. I think we should really question every piece of information we get, take everything with a grain of salt, and try to confirm through every channel we can think of to stop rumors like this from spreading. Otherwise all we will be doing is misinforming people, and that is not what the indymedia is about.

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