
Quebec Legal: Update on Activists Arrested at FTAA Protests

vieuxcmaq, Lundi, Avril 23, 2001 - 11:00

Legal Collective Quebec (

Activists jailed during the FTAA protests in Quebec City are using various tactics to be in solidarity. Confirmed arrests now total 250, however, actual numbers may be close to 450. 30 of these activists are refusing to give their names to authorities recognized by the state, and two women have been on hunger strike since Saturday (4/21/2001).

April 23, 2001

Activists jailed during the FTAA protests in Quebec City are using various tactics to be in solidarity. Confirmed arrests now total 250, however, actual numbers may be close to 450. 30 of these activists are refusing to give their names to authorities recognized by the state, and two women have been on hunger strike since Saturday (4/21/2001). Their demands are as follows:

1. That they meet with lawyers.
2. That they meet as a group.
3. That their charges are the same.
4. That they be released together.

Information on the condition of the activists has been limited, as lawyers working with the Quebec Legal Collective have only just gained entry to the jail. However, two women activists have released statements:

"We are all here being detained illegally, and we have done nothing wrong. I am not cooperating with the police, and I am on hunger strike with one other person until we are all allowed to meet with our lawyers, and allowed to meet as a group, so we can make sure that everyone is all right."
-- Activist who refuses to accept food

"I am in solidarity with all people here, and we all came in solidarity to protest the Summit. We are all fundamentally opposed to the FTAA and we have all been arrested for this reason."
-- Activist who refuses to give her name

Some activists have been released from jail, but are reporting intimidation tactics used by police: for example, some report being held handcuffed on buses for long hours, subjected to strip searches, and denied phone calls. At least some of those arrested are being held at Orsainville Jail, 20 miles North of Quebec City.

There is a 24-hour solidarity vigil outside the Orsainville Jail, which, according to reports by released activists, is visible from within the cell blocks. Quebec Legal calls on everyone to take action in solidarity with these jailed activists:

Vigil: Support is needed outside the jail, activists need food, warmth, clothing, transportation and emotional support. From Laval University, take Autoroute de Vallon North to Highway 40. Take 40-East to Highway 73-North, and then exit onto Rue de la Faune. Go to: 500 Rue de la Faune.

Donate: Financial support is needed to deal with legal costs.

Contact: Call the Orsainville Jail directly to let them know that you are watching: (418) 646-0570 x232.

Office: Support is needed ongoing at the legal office, especially from those who speak any combination of French, Spanish or English.

There will be a press conference by Quebec Legal at 1:00pm, Monday, 4/23/2001, outside the Orsainville Jail. For more information, contact the Quebec Legal Collective at (418) 622-5261, or visit

Dossier G20
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