
legal Oberver's Report

vieuxcmaq, Samedi, Avril 21, 2001 - 11:00

Geoff Hughes (

A legal observer reports the kind of actions the police are taken.

Report by Legal Observer in Quebec from Friday Afternoon
By Geoff Hughes
Just north of the perimeter breech on Rene Levesque Boulevard, at Lockwell and Turnbull, riot police blocked off the intersection leading to the gap.
With no fence between them, protestors sang songs, waved flags, and cast shame on the security forces.
Anyone trying to turn the corner was threatened with long batons and shields, while firearms loaded with teargas and plastic bullets were permanently aimed at the crowd.
One young man with dreadlocks waving a flag didn't see two riot police silently came up from behind him.
Without warning or a chance to back off, he was violently dragged behind lines, preventing the crowd which included some legal observers from monitoring his treatment.
Those with cameras who tried to insure the flag-bearer's rights were not violated, had guns pointed at them, freezing them in their tracks.
The shaken young man was released without his flag. He had been thrown around and interrogated, but was most upset that "they stole my flag."

Dossier G20
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