
Uncle Sam and the Lamb

vieuxcmaq, Samedi, Avril 21, 2001 - 11:00

Phil Toms (

"Uncle Sam and The Lamb".Music,anti-globalisation protest song,clear and coherent,lyrical and musical.Too politically forthright for any coverage in NZ.APEC{Americans Pushing Extreme Capitalism} does not include agriculture,which is what we do."The day that they will buy New Zealand lamb, is when the farm belongs to Uncle Sam".

"Uncle Sam and The Lamb".Free mp3 at's.htm
This song was written about APEC,Auckland '99.The chorus goes"Americans Pushing Extreme Capitalism" Music can be a very useful tool in the struggle against corporate domination of our thoughts and our cultural experience.This song explodes the free market myth by having the temerity to point out America's huge agricultural subsidies and tarrifs.."The day that they will buy New Zealand lamb, is when the farm belongs to Uncle Sam".In New Zealand we have sold almost everything in the last sixteen years, so far we still own most of our own farmland...The use of music to counter the corporate media has been underused so far by the anti-globalisation movement,and could be a very powerful tool.NZ media is totally commercially dominated and does not play anything which might upset the advertisers,so to produce an album like "Storm Warning" is not any kind of commercial venture....Phil Toms

New Zealand music available free on mp3.Rebelmusic site.

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