
Battle on Cote d'Abraham

vieuxcmaq, Samedi, Avril 21, 2001 - 11:00

Orpheus x (

The battle rages at Cote de Abraham at the wall. Continual tear gas attacks by police are being repelled by the courageous people!

16:00 April 21st

The battle rages at Cote de Abraham at the wall. Continual tear gas attacks by police are being repelled by the courageous people! The gas canisters come flying into the crowds. As some retreat, young people run to pick up the canisters and throw them back at police. Despite clouds of gas and rubber bullets, the people continue to resist. We are displaying good organization-orderly dispersal, re-organization to come back to the front lines, and medics at the ready to help those hit by heavy gas. Some stand back and point directions to go to get fresh air from the gas.

The police have also moved out in front of the fence and are also throwing and firing gas. Rocks and other objects are being returned to give the cops a taste of the people's fury against the wall, the FTAA and many other outrages
of the capitalist system.

Many kinds of people are participating in this action. Not just youth, but older people with masks, autoworkers, etc. There seem to be a significant number of residents of Quebec City among the thousand or so gathered.

One autoworker showed us welts from six rubber bullets that were fired point blank at him as he approached the fence. These bullets are several inches long and heavy. They can break bones and reportedly can kill people if they are hit in the head.

The action developed out of the large march organized by the people's summit. The march started from the viex port with many thousands of peopl-by my estimate over 10,000 but possibly more. There were church people, labor unions, anarchists, communists, tons of students and youth, environmentalists, direct actionists, food co-op folks, drummers , hip hoppers, etc. It was a festive display of powerful opposition of people from all over Canada, from the US, from Latin America and elsewhere of hatred for the FTAA and all the misery it will increase.

At the corner of Rue de Coronne, the CLAC contingent turned off and headed up the Cote de Abraham to the fence.

April 21-1600-Battle of Cote de Abraham

Dossier G20
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