

vieuxcmaq, Vendredi, Avril 20, 2001 - 11:00

Ryan Oprea (

Proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas doesn't go far enough, say libertarian counter-protesters.


Canada: Peter Jaworski (613) 547-8716
United States: Ryan Oprea; Kendra Okonski

April 13, 2001 -- Next week, thousands of people are expected to protest against the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas in Quebec City, Quebec. Libertarians and free trade advocates from Canada and the United States will also be marching, but only because the FTAA does not go far enough in supporting free trade.

Graham Hearn, President of the University of Waterloo's Association for Libertarian Discussion and Debate, will join the libertarians next Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 21, in Quebec City.

Hearn said that libertarians support free trade between individuals and nations. "Libertarians believe free trade is the best way to promote peace and tolerance, and to improve the well being of the world's poor, not just the favored special interests," he said.

"The freedom to exchange is a fundamental human right, and it is unfortunate that governments do not recognize that right," Hearn explained. "The FTAA is a step in the right direction, but it is not free trade."

Dozens of libertarians from both countries are expected to take part in the pro-trade protest. According to Marc Brandl, youth organizer for the US Libertarian Party, the media has focused exclusively on misguided left-wing criticism of the FTAA and little on pro-trade points of view.

"We're going to Quebec City to support real free trade," said Brandl. "The strategy of negotiated liberalization puts free traders in the position of defending imperfect and compromise agreements, rather than attacking misguided protectionist policies. The U.S. and Canada should be opening their markets regardless of what other countries do."

With the recent threat of import duties on potatoes from Prince Edward Island and softwood lumber from British Columbia, Canadian consumers are realizing the detrimental side of protectionism.

"We want more than the FTAA," said Hearn. "We want genuine, honest, and open trade between the nations of the Americas, for the benefit of people everywhere."

More information on libertarian presence at this event can be found at


Libertarian protesters will be available for interview and comment in English, French & Spanish next Friday and Saturday at the Summit of the Americas meeting in Quebec City.

An international network of libertarian guerilla activists.
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