
Resist the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, April 19th - 22nd, 2001

vieuxcmaq, Lundi, Février 12, 2001 - 12:00

Karine Triollet (

Let's plan together NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION scenarios, training, logistics...

First Continental Spokescouncil Meeting in Quebec City
Saturday, February 24th, 2001
(with a get-together on Friday night and some planning meetings on Sunday)

Let's plan together NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION scenarios, training, logistics...
Register : (514) 524-8088,

Call to Action !
Come join us on February 24th, in Quebec City, as we prepare to purposefuly oppose, nonviolently disrupt, and creatively resist the FTAA Summit of the Americas.

Hey! Affinity groups and direct action orgs! Time to come together and do some serious strategizing and scenario planning as we prepare for the greatest challenge yet to the new movement for global justice.

Let's brainstorm, evaluate, plan and co-ordinate towards April 2001 in Quebec City.

Nonviolent direct action projects we want to be discussing include :
* Border actions (especially if activists are prevented from entering Canada)
* Blockade plans on major access points to the security perimeter in Quebec City
* Shut down of the airport and/or selective blockades of access roads
* Citizens arrest on some or all 34 heads of state at the Summit (based on International Law and the Canadian Criminal Code)
* Artistic, revolutionary and risk-taking performances
* including a fake negotiating session of the FTAA with George Bush and Chrétien playing strip poker with leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean
* Direct Action at the fences (redecoration, lock-ons, crossing over, etc.)
* Your own inspired, bold and creative ideas (this is a call for your brains, hearts and guts!)
The actions could be held at any of different times, both before and during the Summit, especially on April 19th, 20th (morning, afternoon, evening), 21st (morning especially), and on the 22nd (jail solidarity actions, etc.).
Interested? Call us and register at (514) 524-8088, or email us at Let us know about your needs (childcare, food, housing, etc.).
- The radical and nonviolent folks at SalAMI

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