
CDN/US border *CLOSED* to activists

vieuxcmaq, Dimanche, Février 4, 2001 - 12:00

Bernard aka hfx_ben Tremblay (

Apparently, the border closure has already begun.

On Jan. 26, ten New York City based activists traveled by
van to Quebec City, to take part in the CLAC and CASA
sponsored "consulta"- meetings designed to facilitate
coordination between Canadian and US activists for the
upcoming FTAA summit in April.

These activist, including members of the Urban Justice
Center, NYC Direct Action Network, NYC Ya Basta!
Collective, Independent Media Center, as well as
independent activists, were denied entry into Canada.

Canadian border officials, upon refusal of entry, proceeded
to search the van, without consent, and went about the
collection and copying of documents relating to the
organization of resistance to the FTAA. At no time did these
activists give consent to any actions on the part of the
Customs officials.

Based on this and other reported incidents, several points
should be considered:

One: US activists wishing to travel to Quebec City in April
will certainly fall upon a border heavily sentried and
surveyed. Access to Canada by interstate highway will almost
certainly lead to refusal of entry.

Two: However, chances of admittance will be increased
depending on how "normal" certain people tend to look, as
well as factors such as numbers in group, time of crossing,
or obvious signs of political activism.

Three: As impractical as it may sound, leave political
writings, flyers, banners and such at home, or send them via
postal mail to contacts in Canada, as these items will
surely "give one away" in the possible scenario of a search
at customs.

Four: Your chances of entry will also be increased if you
travel alone, well dressed, possibly by train or bus (such
as Greyhound). Destination other than Quebec City should be
a priority, such as Montreal or Toronto.

Five: Have a well thought out story, or a live contact in
one of these cities, who can give "credibility" to your

Six: Just don't go. Put your energy into a border action

One final comment: Just prior to leaving the border and
returning south, one customs official remarked with
cynicism, "It is my job to protect the Canadian economy".

Dossier G20
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