
Dr. Niels Harrit Canadian Universities Tour, Feb.22 Mar.4, 2011

Anonyme, Mardi, Février 22, 2011 - 22:32

Niels Harrit
Dr. Harrit is the lead scientist of a European, nine-author, peer-reviewed study which found millions of microscopic red-gray chips in the World Trade Center dust. These chips, at first thought to be paint, were ignited and determined to be unburned nanothermite – an ultra high-tech incendiary explosive, produced by the military and capable of slicing through steel beams. Nanothermite contains more energy than dynamite and can be used as rocket fuel.

Dr. Niels Harrit, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, will be lecturing across Canada in six recognized locations. He will offer a critique of the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center, focusing on Building 7. Widely published, he is the lead author of a 2009 article on the discovery of nano-thermite (an incendiary and explosive) in the WTC dust.

Niels Harrit Interview on Russia Today

Tour Schedule:

Tuesday February 22 @ 7PM, Edmonton Alberta “Edmonton Questions 9/11″ For more info see:

Thursday February 24 @ 7PM, University of British Columbia
Presentation: “Explosive Evidence” For more info see:

Saturday February 26 @ 7PM, University of Victoria
Presentation: “Explosive Evidence” For more info see:

Tuesday March 1 St. @ 7:30 PM, McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario
Presentation: “Reasonable Doubt: Science and the Collapse of World Trade 7 on September 11, 2001.” For more info see:

Thursday March 3 @ 7PM, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario
Presentation: “Reasonable Doubt: Science and the Collapse of World Trade 7 on September 11, 2001.” For more info see:

Friday March 4 @ 7PM, University of Toronto
Presentation: “Reasonable Doubt: Science and the Collapse of World Trade 7 on September 11, 2001.” For tickets see:

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