
Direct Democracy in Chicago

CMAQ via Mic, Lundi, Décembre 6, 2010 - 18:47

Jesse Freeston of TheREALnews Network

Chicago's 49th Ward is the first U.S. government to let the people make their own budget, following a practice begun in Porto Alegre, Brazil over twenty years ago.

For more than twenty years, the people of Porto Alegre, Brazil have been directly determining how the city spends it's money. The process is called participatory budgeting and it is practiced in more than 1,200 municipalities worldwide today. Chicago's 49th Ward became the first US community to adopt the practice in 2009, and is now repeating the process again this year. We speak to Ines Sommer, a filmmaker and resident of the ward about the process thus far.

This is what I believe in
Michael Lessard...
Lun, 2010-12-06 18:52

This is what I believe in. Give people collective responsibility and power, and they will take their democratic participation very seriously. They do not participate in consultations where they are played for fools and asked to vote once every four years.

Wow. Anyone, 16 years and above, with or without citizenship, can participate in elaborating the proposals and deciding what projects will be undertaken by public funding.

Let's get such systems implemented all over the world !

Michaël Lessard [me contacter]

Média communautaire à Québec - calendrier de la démocratie en action


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