
Prime Time For Change - Grassroots Communications Strategies at the Democratic National Convention & Republican National Convent

omar, Mercredi, Juillet 21, 2004 - 13:04


This is a very interesting survey of media activism surrounding the democratic and republican national conventions.

"Prime Time For Change: Grassroots Communications Strategies at the DNC/RNC 2004, produced by the smartMeme collective and the SPIN Project, looks at 84 organizations, mostly non-profits and unincorporated grassroots entities, that volunteered information about their upcoming Convention activities in Boston and New York."

"A web-based survey and phone interviews focused on four areas in order to compile an inventory of organization types and messages; goals, activities, and strategies; resources
and needs. The results, and accompanying interpretations and analysis, provide illustrative examples and strategic insights for amplifying the overall impact for any organization undertaking communications work at the DNC/RNC."

You can download the full report from their site.

The smartMeme Strategy & Training Project, founded in 2003 is collective of long term organizers, strategists, trainers and media professionals who combine grassroots movement building with strategies to inject new ideas into the culture. SmartMeme ampli

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