
Right to communicate in Bolivia

Anonyme, Vendredi, Octobre 24, 2003 - 12:44

Bolivian CRIS platform

The Bolivian CRIS Platform (Communication Rights in the Information Society), an interinstitutional body working around human rights and the use of the right to information and communication in Bolivia supports
the work undertaken by the Association for Wireless Education in Bolivia(ERBOL) within the process of political crisis that is affecting the country at present.
CRIS calls out to the international solidarity networks and denounces the events of Wednesday 15 October when one of the affiliates of ERBOL(Radio Pio XII) in Oruro was forced to close down. This was as a direct
result of their role in providing information on the crisis that is developing in the country.

Translated from the Spanish (press release originally sent on Wendesday 15th October)

The Bolivian CRIS Platform (Communication Rights in the Information Society), an interinstitutional body working around human rights and the use of the right to information and communication in Bolivia supports
the work undertaken by the Association for Wireless Education in Bolivia(ERBOL) within the process of political crisis that is affecting the country at present.
CRIS calls out to the international solidarity networks and denounces the events of Wednesday 15 October when one of the affiliates of ERBOL(Radio Pio XII) in Oruro was forced to close down. This was as a direct
result of their role in providing information on the crisis that is developing in the country.
We also protest and call on all international networks to do the same with regards to the seizure of editions of: El Diario, the Weekly PULSO, Channel 2, Channel 4, Gigavisión in addition to ordering the closing of
the Oruro University's TV Channel.
In reaction to these events, the CRIS Campaign demands that respect of human rights and freedom of expression and information be considered fundamental pillars of any democratic system. Thus CRIS Bolivia restates
that the right to information in free societies as per the Pact of San Jose, incorporates freedom of expression and the right to have access to and receive information for all citizens. This same principle is protected by the Political Constitution of the Bolivian State and in
agreement with the Law of the Press of 1925.
All associated with this platform will remain alert to the defense of the rights to information and communication for all. We also demand that the State respect these individual and collective rights over and above any other sectorial or international interest.
On behalf of the CRIS Campaign, the Committee of Coordinacion Nacional
Statements of solidarity can be sent to the Executive Secretary of
ERBOL, René Zeballos,, and Radio Pío XII, Durette Robert, Director of Radio Pio XII.

Dossier G20
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