
Calendrier de Décembre 2011 pour La Belle Époque/ December 2011 Calendar for La Belle Epoque

Anonyme, Lunes, Diciembre 5, 2011 - 08:01

(English version below)

Calendrier de Décembre pour La Belle Époque
espace social anarchiste, 1984 rue. Wellington

December events at La Belle Époque -
an anarchist social space at 1984 rue. Wellington


-Lundi le 5 et 12 décembre

"Permanence" de 16 à 19H
"Cercle de Lecture" à 19H

-Mercredi 7 décembre, 19 H

"Chili: Pueblo en Guerra"

Mouvements populaires et insurrectionnels au Chili d'une perspective
anarchiste. Discussion à propos de la récente vague de révolte, son
contexte et ce que l'on peut apprendre de la vaste culture de rsistance
et de lutte au Chili.
(en francais)

-Jeudi 15 décembre, 18H30

Les anarchistes yiddish, les flics salauds, et les pirates queer:
Construisons des histoires collectives de la lutte anarchiste à Montréal.
(en anglais)

-Dimanche 18 décembre, 19H

"Soirée de propositions"

Les soirées de propositions sont les moments précis ou nous planifions
notre calendrier du mois suivants qui est posté sur le site internet et
affiché partout dans la ville. Ces soirées ont lieu à la fin de chaque
mois et sont ouvertes à tous. Cela veut dire que si vous avez envie
d’organiser un atelier, une discussion, une soirée; vous êtes les
bienvenus. Si vous ne désirez pas que votre évènement soit public, c’est
possible aussi, à votre discrétion. Nous avons tout de même quelques

·Nous n’accepterons certainement aucun contenu à caractère raciste,
sexiste ou homophobe.

·Notre deuxième critère est que vous ayez envie de nous rencontrer, en
tant qu’anarchistes informelles et en tant qu’individus. Si nous ne
partageons pas les mêmes idées et pratiques, nous voulons du moins
pouvoir trouver l’espace d’un dialogue pour en débattre.

·Nous espérons un coup de pouce de votre part pour la diffusion de votre
évènement ainsi que la promotion de La Belle Époque.

Écrivez-nous pour plus de renseignements à



December events at La Belle Époque -
an anarchist social space at 1984 rue. Wellington

-Monday Dec. 5 and Dec. 12

"open hours" from 4 to 7 pm
"Reading Group" at 7 pm
Texts for the reading group are available online at

-Wednesday, December 7, 7 pm

"Chile: Pueblo en Guerro"

Popular and insurrectionary movements in Chile from an anarchist
perspective. A discussion about the recent wave of unrest, its context
and what we can learn from the broad culture of resistance and struggle
in Chile.
(in French, whisper translation available)

-Thursday, December 15, 6:30 pm

"Yiddish anarchists, bastard cops, and queer pirates: building
collective histories of anarchist struggle in Montreal"
It is often said that history is written by the victors. But fuck that.
We write our own history, every day.

Montreal has a vibrant history of anarchist struggle stretching back
over 100 years. From the first Mayday demonstrations, the old Jewish
anarchist bookshops, queer resistance in the village, struggles against
police brutality, the anti-conscription riots, to Emma Goldman's visit
to Montreal, this city is brimming with anarchy.

But what is anarchist history? Is it only the history of self-defined

In this workshop, we will approach anarchist history as specific
moments when oppressed people have stood up to take direct action for
the betterment of their own lives and communities. As such, we will
discuss moments such as the “Oka Crisis” of 1990, the student strike of
2005, or the struggles of Algerian refugees in 2002.

In the first part of this workshop, the presenter will present some
specific “anchor moments” of anarchist history in Montreal, around which
we can build a foundation for elaborating our own histories. In the
second part, participants will be invited to share their own insights,
moments, heroes that they would consider as their part of anarchist
history.Finally, no anarchist history is complete without an anarchist
future. So drawing from our collective histories, we will discuss where
we could go in the years and generations to come.

Note: this workshop will be recorded (audio) by the presenter for
archival purposes, but annonymity will be respected for those who don't
wish to be recorded.

Presented by Aaron Lakoff. Aaron has been doing research and giving
walking tours on Montreal's anarchist history over the last 3 years, and
he's obsessed with Jewish anarchist history, and bagels.
(in English)

-Sunday December 18, 7 pm

"Proposals night"
How does it work?

Proposals night is the opportunity to contribute to planning of the next
month’s events. These evenings take place at the end of every month and
are open to everyone. If you are interested in organizing a workshop, a
discussion, or an event, you’re welcome to propose it. If you’d rather
not have your event be public (on the calendar postered around the city,
the website, and facebook) that’s also an option, at your discretion.

We do have several criteria, however:

- we don’t accept anything that’s racist, sexist, or homophobic, or
otherwise obviously problematic.

- we expect proposals to show an openness to the ideas and intentions of
the space, and an interest in engaging with us as informal anarchists
and individuals. If we don’t share the same ideas or practices, we would
like to at least have the space to have a dialogue about them.

-we appreciate assistance from people putting on events at the space
with outreach, including outreach for the event they are proposing and
for the space in general (the monthly calendar, callouts, etc.)

For more info, email us at:

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


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This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.