
A week of extraordinary actions and exchange during the XVIth International AIDS Conference

Nicole Nepton, Viernes, Agosto 11, 2006 - 08:33


From August 13th to 18th, in Toronto, there will be the XVIth International AIDS Conference. During this week, Stella, Maggie’s and Canadian sex workers would like to welcome you for a week of extraordinary actions and exchange!

Get the Schedule of Sex Work Events :

It’s a rendez-vous!
Come and visit us at the Global Village at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. It's opened to the general public. You’ll find us at the Stiletto Lounge, the booths of Stella, Zi Teng, Danaya So and the Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW). While you’re there, don’t miss the APNSW Sex Workers’ Barbie March! Consult the board at the Stiletto Lounge regularly to stay abreast of all the changes : conferences, actions and meetings!

Conference Sex Work Daily Blogs!
Every day, news about sex work-related activities will be posted on our Web site by our super mistress reporters! In French and English, on line at

More info at

Nicole Nepton
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