
Venezuela: Interview with Black Op Radio, Canada

franzjutta, Sábado, Agosto 7, 2004 - 12:53

Jutta Schmitt

Venezuela: Interview with Black Op Radio, Canada


It is imperative to recollect what happened over the last six years in Venezuela, to understand the political show-down on August 15 next.

Kindly tune in to the interviews that we made concerning the current situation, as published on Black Op Radio, Canada, see below.

For an hour and a half, we covered the whole history of the Bolivarian Movement, indicating its democratic legitimacy and its revolutionary programmes.

Have fun!

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Show #184
Featured Guest: Jutta Schmitt

Topic: Venezula Situation update

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

CARACAS, July 21 (Xinhuanet) -- The Venezuelan government said Wednesday it may suspend oil shipments to the United States in case of an eventual conflict with that country. "In case of an aggression, that option would be considered," said Energy and Mining Minister Rafael Martinez in an interview released Wednesday through US news-broadcast system in Spanish CNN.
He added the suspension of oil supply is his country's right.
The impasse between Venezuela and the United States began late last February after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused
his US counterpart George W. Bush of financing the opposition's plot against his government.
In addition, Chavez believed the United States was behind the coup in 2002, which briefly ousted him from office. Two days later,he returned to the presidency.
Such denunciations have been denied by the United States, the principal purchaser of Venezuelan oil. Venezuela is the world's fifth largest oil exporter.
In the run-up to the Aug. 15 recall referendum, Chavez increased his attacks on Washington, saying Bush, not the Venezuelan opposition, was his true political foe.
According to surveys, the oil-rich country is almost evenly divided between those who would oust Chavez and those who would have him to stay on as president.

Also, see: http//

Article by Jutta Schmitt
The Bolivarian Revolution - An Emancipatory Paradigm for the World
'The Current Situation in Venezuela'

Pandemonium Crew webpage

Analyses and News About Venezuela and the World.

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