
<font color=Blue>W</font><font color=Red>S</font><font color=Green>F</font> <font color=Black>World Social Forum 4</font>

Paul, Viernes, Enero 16, 2004 - 14:11

Paul and cie for the CMAQ

For the >World Scial Forum (WSF) the count down has begun. The fourth edition of the World Social Forum, which takes place in Mumbai India, is bracing itself to start a new round of resistance against neo liberalization. From January 16th to 21rst 2004, Mumbai, previously known as Bombay, will be greeting activists, human rights activists , progressists mp’s, young revolutionaries and other world known personalities of humanities, social mouvements, political and cultural scenes.

Not all will attend the WSF, many will rather support Mumbai Resistance 2004 which is a more radical alternative, that holds an anti-imperialist rhetoric and speaks out against the WSF monopoly on neo liberal globalization alternatives.

Almost blacked out of mainstream media, the WSF is covered by the generous contributions of our group of independent reporters, long time collaborators and close partners.

To stay informed, read all the article on the CMAQ:

- WSF 2004 : Let the coverage begin
- World Social Forum diary: Arms control issue strikes a chord
- WORLD SOCIAL FORUM: Latin America's Poorest Activists Stay Home

As well as our French language coverage of the WSF:

- Dossier francophone sur le CMAQ

For the >World Scial Forum (WSF) the count down has begun. The fourth edition of the World Social Forum, which takes place in Mumbai India, is bracing itself to start a new round of resistance against neo liberalization. From January 16th to 21rst 2004, Mumbai, previously known as Bombay, will be greeting activists, human rights activists , progressists mp’s, young revolutionaries and other world known personalities of humanities, social mouvements, political and cultural scenes.

Not all will attend the WSF, many will rather support Mumbai Resistance 2004 which is a more radical alternative, that holds an anti-imperialist rhetoric and speaks out against the WSF monopoly on neo liberal globalization alternatives.

Almost blacked out of mainstream media, the WSF is covered by the generous contributions of our group of independent reporters, long time collaborators and close partners.

To stay informed, read all the article on the CMAQ:

- WSF 2004 : Let the coverage begin
- World Social Forum diary: Arms control issue strikes a chord
- WORLD SOCIAL FORUM: Latin America's Poorest Activists Stay Home

As well as our French language coverage of the WSF:

- Dossier francophone sur le CMAQ

For more information, visit : target="blank"> World Social Forum 2004 : target="blank"> Mumbai Resistance 2004 : target="blank"> Indymedia : target="blank"> Inter Press Service : target="blank"> Ciranda :

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